Welcome to the site! We’re just as dedicated to protecting your privacy. So, we created this privacy policy to address the use and disclosure of information we collect from you on our website, over the phone, in our stores, and from third parties. Please read through these basic terms—we’ll try to keep it brief!—that govern your use of and purchase of products from our Site. Please note that your use of our Site constitutes your agreement to follow and be bound by those terms.
      When you visit us online or in store, we want you to feel comfortable and safe so we do not collect your name, email, or any other personal information until you register or place and order with us.
      We may use your personal information in the following ways:
  • To process and fulfill your order, including sending you emails to confirm your order status and shipment
  • To contact you about special promotions, new products, and updates on our site
  • To understand your shopping preferences to better serve you in the future
  • To allow you to use our in-store and online technologies
  • To provide consistent, personalized services across all channels, including personalizing our advertising, marketing communications, shopping experiences, and promotional offers
  • To organize local community events, promotions, and in-store experiences
  • To facilitate social sharing
  • To allow you to enroll and participate in a loyalty or customer relationship program
  • To prevent, detect, mitigate, and investigate fraud, security breaches, and activities that are or may be prohibited or illegal
  • To enforce our Terms of Use or other policies
  • As we believe to be required or appropriate under applicable law, to respond to requests from government authorities and comply with legal process
  • We share your personal information with third-party marketing partners for commercial purposes. If you would like to opt out of third-party sharing, please email us